Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bible study to end a good day

So, today was a pretty good day if you ask me. I got to go swimming at twelve with some of my friends which was really fun. We played water basketball for the most part. i wish the rec pool was deeper than 4 feet though, i miss playing pool games like shark and minnows and stuff like that which requires a deep pool. We went to Chik-fil-a to eat afterwards and met up with another friend who ate with us. After that I dropped my little brother off at wal-mart with my dad who bought me a shirt which is pretty stinking cool. I bought one of my own which is nice as well. I came back and rode bikes with a friend then four of us went to a Bible study, it was my first time to go but their second. I really enjoyed it. He spoke over Ephesians 4:1-3. Pretty much saying that if you're a Christian, then be holy. I had a good talk with him before and afterward which really was nice. I like having those types of conversations where you can delve into Scripture. We had a nice talk on the ride back home and now i'm here, writing on my blog, had a great day. Bye and God bless.

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